Ever wondered what it really takes to be a yoga “Master”?

Come join KD on this powerful and transformative journey.

Starts Sunday, November 10

About the IYMTT

Each of us has a unique and personal journey toward spiritual growth and mastery. The IYMTT is an opportunity to learn a way of practicing and teaching yoga that will keep you on the edge of your growth all the time. Sometimes we can get stuck in our practice or our teaching.Where we lose the freshness, excitement, and aliveness that brought us to practice and teaching in the first place.

By exploring the questions:

  • “What is true Mastery?”
  • “How do we relax into Freedom?”
  • “How can we live life with Joy?”

We will discover tools and resources that can refresh our practice and teaching, and guide us toward being Master Teachers.

What is a Master Teacher?

A Master teacher is someone who lives the cutting edge of their growth, as a teacher, as a student, and in the way they move through the challenges of daily life.


A Master Teacher is someone who has gained wisdom through mastery of the senses, and can use these skills to deepen their own growth, as well as the growth of their students.


A Master Teacher is someone who has experienced the freedom of not knowing, through resting in the flow of meditation, and who embodies the wisdom that there is something bigger that is supporting and guiding us.


A Master Teacher is someone who fully experiences the Joy and sensuality of this world, embracing all of it, and celebrating the sacred in all of life, both the pleasures and the challenges.

It is about teaching in a way that challenges us as teachers, as well as challenging our students.

To be a Master Teacher you have to be a Master Student. You have to have an understanding of yourself so that your habits and conditioning don’t get in the way. This is a training that will challenge you at whatever level you are at, and will bring spontaneity and authenticity to your practice, your teaching, and your life. Not from learning new techniques but by grounding yourself in something much deeper than the outside forms; a place of deeper presence, intimacy, and connection to something infinitely bigger than yourself.

Being a Master Teacher is a journey that we must each take on our own. It’s about stepping into the unknown, in the moment, and being on the edge of your growth all the time. IYMTT is a way toward discovering and nurturing this. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced teacher, in this training you will learn things about yourself you never knew, and explore parts of yourself you never knew you had. It’s about genuine spiritual development, which is a rarified thing . . . and about experiencing Joy while doing it. It’s truly a master practice. “The IYMTT is not just about mastering yoga, . . it’s about mastering Life.”

About KD

Jeff “KD” Meyers, M.D., L. Ac. is a physician, acupuncturist, yoga teacher, and artist with an extensive background in holistic approaches to healing, the arts, and spirituality. His path as a healer and artist began in the 1980’s as a student of holistic medicine and spirituality in Colorado and New Mexico.